IPA /a.ruˈna.va/ — flowing of the dawn, brilliance

hi, i am arunava (aka vimfn on the internet) currently a cs undergrad at [redacted], my interests include compilers, computer networks, and ctfs.

beyond my studies, i enjoy my time playing chess, jamming to music, modding factorio or just tinkering with stuff to understand how they work.

ps i love simplicity and a great admirer of unix philosophy, minimalism and hacker ethics.

you can reach me on @vimfn:matrix.org or email at echo aGlAdmltZm4uaW4K | base64 --decode [?], here is my public key, if you need to encrypt your message.


prev worked at startups building frontend and backend systems, there are quite a few interesting things i plan to do yet.

todo: write about my projects here, meanwhile you can checkout my github or linkedin.


there are many unfinished drafts, so take your time as you browse through them, also via rss.


much of my time is spent reading various books and papers or just listening to music from different genres.