No Source ?

Updated 2024-06-21T11:27:15+05:30

The source code for this website is not available for public view, but hey don't get mad at me, the reason is simple I tend to keep writing many of my draft files inside the same repo to avoid file mess in my system (which happens anyway) and I don't want those to be accessible by anyone for obv reasons before me publishing them here, and indeed those are ignored at build time and all you get served are static pages, with files that I only meant to be shared.

Now.. saying that nothing stops you from pressing ctrl + u (or whatever for your operating system or browser) or just open dev tools for your browser and click on the sources tab, and look into the code, it's all static file and everything is on your browser (client side), simple, you can steal any css you want, everything comes under the same license and yes fr I don't give a F**K what you do with these but as a tip having your own creativity is always something great you should be looking for.

source code source code

But.. wait, your site isn't all static right ? I saw some fetch calls in the network tabs from some different domains, what with those, well... some of them are cloudflare workers (coming to this later) and some are just endpoints for analytics (no this is not google analytics, I am using a self-hosted umami instance, you can look at there source code in their github page, or my fork in my github).

Now you might say..I hate tracking, ok then.. simple block javascript, or if you dont want to do that (duh)..use uBlock origin and block those requests, I won't stop you, actualy I'd be doing that myself if I am a frequent visitor of some site, the only reason I got tracking that because it feels good to see the numbers of visiotrs in your site, it let's me know which of pages/posts got the most views or clicks and what sort of audience I have, and curate things accordingly.

BTW if you are interested the beta version of my site (which I almost gave up working on cuz frontend world is mess and I hate all of them now after years of writing lots of mostly react(nextjs) code, and some svelte) anyway it's on my github, and people for whatever reason tend to like it (almost 80 above stars lol), here is the link of the repo.

edit: I got questions about what is that extension there (in the screenshot), it is onetab, handy one I am using it for quite a few years now, and thought everyone knows about it alr lol.